{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "ACS2019_RegionalDemographics_Py", "guid": "D30A59C3-4EAD-426F-81B3-6609B137B925", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Regional demographics from the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) such as the total population, ethnic origin populations, male/female populations, and the employed population.", "description": "The Regional Demographics 2019<\/b> layer contains 2019 demographic population estimates for Census block groups in the region surrounding Montgomery County, Maryland. The data is source here<\/a> from the American Community Survey and was assembled by the Montgomery Parks GIS Team. Contact the Montgomery Parks GIS Team for more information via email: MCParksGIS@montgomeryparks.org<\/a>.

The following demographics population estimates are detailed: