{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "TransitRoutes", "guid": "F97562BF-7D20-4052-AADA-A2BDE2852E29", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Transit Routes (BRT, Light Rail, etc.) which are part of the MPOHT Centerlines layer.", "description": "
The Master Plan of Highways and Transitways (MPOHT) is an amalgamation of updates to the transportation network specified in each area, sector, and functional plan throughout Montgomery County, MD.<\/span><\/p> A log of updates is included below.<\/span><\/p> 7/26/2020<\/span><\/p> Changes from the approved and adopted Montgomery Hills/Forest Glen Sector plan have been incorporated in the GIS layer.<\/span><\/p> 7/23/2019<\/span><\/p> Changes from the approved and adopted MARC Rail Communities Plan have been incorporated into the GIS layer<\/span><\/p> 5/16/2019<\/span><\/p> Changes from the approved and adopted Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan have been incorporated into the GIS layer.<\/span><\/p> 1/15/2019<\/span><\/p> Right of way changes due to the approval of the Bicycle Master Plan have been incorporated into this GIS layer.<\/span><\/p> 9/06/2018<\/span><\/p> The following transportation elements of master plans have been incorporated into this GIS layer:<\/span><\/p> Master Plan of Highways Technical Update (July 2018)<\/span><\/p><\/li><\/ul> This master plan was a comprehensive update that revised and evaluated roadway segment classifications, extents, locations, planned lanes, target speeds, and minimum right-of-way widths. The master plan also updated Road Code Urban Area boundaries and reconfirmed Transitway routes and Interchanges, all of which can be found in their respective GIS layers.<\/span><\/p> Symbology:<\/span><\/p> Symbology for Park Roads has been removed.<\/span><\/p><\/li> Symbology for Parkways has been added.<\/span><\/p><\/li><\/ul> 1/23/2018<\/span><\/p> The following transportation elements of master plans have been incorporated into this GIS layer:<\/span><\/p> White Flint 2 (December 2017)<\/span><\/p><\/li> Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro Area Minor Master Plan (December 2017)<\/span><\/p><\/li> Rock Spring (December 2017)<\/span><\/p><\/li><\/ul> 6/30/2017<\/span><\/p> The following transportation elements of master plans have been incorporated into this GIS layer:<\/span><\/p> Bethesda Downtown Plan (approved and adopted May 2017)<\/span><\/p><\/li> Greater Lyttonsville Sector Plan (approved and adopted March 2017)<\/span><\/p><\/li> PlanWestbard (approved and adopted July 2016)<\/span><\/p><\/li><\/ul> 8/24/2016<\/span><\/p> Roadway network elements of area plans between 2009 and May 2016 have been incorporated.<\/span><\/p><\/li> Notation for state highways has been added to appropriate road segments.<\/span><\/p><\/li> Roadway extents are now accurately reflected in geography.<\/span><\/p><\/li> Master planned roadways that were constructed have been updated from \"planned\" to \"built.\"<\/span><\/p><\/li> Inconsistencies with spelling and abbreviations have been resolved.<\/span><\/p><\/li> New Hampshire Avenue bus rapid transit corrirdor has been added.<\/span><\/p><\/li><\/ul><\/div><\/div><\/div>",
"summary": "Transit Routes (BRT, Light Rail, etc.) which are part of the MPOHT Centerlines layer.",
"title": "TransitRoutes",
"tags": [
"Master Plan",
"type": "Map Service",
"typeKeywords": [
"Map Service",
"ArcGIS Server"
"thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png",
"url": "",
"extent": [
"minScale": 0,
"maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308,
"spatialReference": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_Maryland_FIPS_1900_Feet",
"accessInformation": "Montgomery County Planning",
"licenseInfo": ""