{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The closed, construct, existing, PC, pending, and proposed units of paths and trails for local, state, and federal park systems (primarily M-NCPPC) within Montgomery County, Maryland.", "description": "

The Montgomery Parks trails are used for active and passive recreation and exploring. Much of our trail system is also used for commuting and connecting to the greater street network and trail network of the County. With over 200 miles of natural surface trail, over 70 miles of paved, and paths in nearly every one of our 421 parks, its necessary that each trail segment is recorded as it changes park unit, user type, owner type, surface type, and other aspects. <\/SPAN><\/P>

Natural Surface Trails \u2013 Natural surface trails are typically narrow (2-4 feet wide) dirt trails. Types of uses associated with these trails are hiking, horseback riding, and all-terrain biking. Unless noted otherwise on the trail map, natural surface trails are \u201cshared by all\u201d. <\/SPAN><\/P>

Hard Surface Trails \u2013 Hard surface trails may include asphalt paths but they may also be any firm and stable surface capable of supporting casual walkers and cyclists. <\/SPAN><\/P>

Park Trails in Montgomery County, MD with emphasis on the M-NCPPC Montgomery Parks network. There is also information on trails provided by other entities. Only officially sanctioned trails are displayed on public interface, however internal users can view trail units in their varying stages of construction or unsanctioned status. <\/SPAN><\/P>

The data is used for analysis as it pertains to trail and amenity planning, regional network planning, route and program planning. The data is also used on our public facing materials such as maps and webpages. <\/SPAN><\/P>



This layer is regularly updated as unknown assets are added in the field, or as new assets are placed, changed, or removed. <\/SPAN><\/P>



SDE: <\/SPAN><\/P>


Q:\\Layer Files\\GIS Database5.sde\\PARKS.Trails\\PARKS.TrailUnits_Py <\/SPAN><\/P>


Q: <\/SPAN><\/P>


Q:\\Layer Files\\Trails \u2013 Trail Units.lyr <\/SPAN><\/P>


Services: <\/SPAN><\/P>


https://montgomeryplans.org/server/rest/services/Trails/TrailUnits_Py/MapServer <\/SPAN><\/P>


https://montgomeryplans.org/server/rest/services/Trails/TrailUnits_Py/FeatureServer<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "The closed, construct, existing, PC, pending, and proposed units of paths and trails for local, state, and federal park systems (primarily M-NCPPC) within Montgomery County, Maryland.", "title": "Trail Units", "tags": [ "Trail Units", "Trails", "Hiking", "Biking", "Equestrian", "Hard Surface Trails", "Natural Surface Trails", "Bike Park", "SDE", "ParkStat" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 150000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Data Source: Field data collection for M-NCPPC trail units. Outside agencies for trails units not owned by M-NCPPC. \nData Steward: The Trails Team of Natural Resources Stewardship, Annaly Galeas.", "licenseInfo": "

For internal and external use.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "portalUrl": "" }