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snippet: BPPA is a defined geographical area where the enhancement of bicycle and pedestrian traffic and safety is a priority. The County has 28 BPPAs spread throughout our commercial and residential areas. However, the Council identified five priority BPPAs to start working on immediately; they are Glenmont, Grosvenor, Silver Spring CBD, Veirs Mill/Randolph, and Wheaton CBD.
summary: BPPA is a defined geographical area where the enhancement of bicycle and pedestrian traffic and safety is a priority. The County has 28 BPPAs spread throughout our commercial and residential areas. However, the Council identified five priority BPPAs to start working on immediately; they are Glenmont, Grosvenor, Silver Spring CBD, Veirs Mill/Randolph, and Wheaton CBD.
extent: [[-77.2982766094687,38.9571988901226],[-76.9282283031782,39.2925975244802]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: BPPA is a defined geographical area where the enhancement of bicycle and pedestrian traffic and safety is a priority. The County has 28 BPPAs spread throughout our commercial and residential areas. However, the Council identified five priority BPPAs to start working on immediately; they are Glenmont, Grosvenor, Silver Spring CBD, Veirs Mill/Randolph, and Wheaton CBD.
title: Bicycle_Pedestrian Priority Areas _BPPA
type: Map Service
tags: ["bppa","bicycle","transportation"]
culture: en-US
name: Bicycle_Pedestrian_Priority_Areas__BPPA
guid: F11F37A8-EC17-4671-8024-BA6CC431AF3B
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Maryland_FIPS_1900_Feet