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snippet: Special Tax Districts & Development Districts: Legislation enacted in 1994 established a procedure by which the Council may create a development. The creation of such a special taxing district allows the County to issue low-interest, tax-exempt bonds that are used to finance the infrastructure improvements needed to allow the development to proceed. Taxes or other assessments are levied on the property within the district, the revenues from which are used to pay the debt service on the bonds. Development is, therefore, allowed to proceed, and improvements are built in a timely manner. Only the additional, special tax revenues from the development district are pledged to repayment of the bonds. The County's general tax revenues are not pledged. The construction of improvements funded with development district bonds is required by law to follow the County's usual process for constructing capital improvements, and thus must be included in the Capital Improvements Program.
summary: Special Tax Districts & Development Districts: Legislation enacted in 1994 established a procedure by which the Council may create a development. The creation of such a special taxing district allows the County to issue low-interest, tax-exempt bonds that are used to finance the infrastructure improvements needed to allow the development to proceed. Taxes or other assessments are levied on the property within the district, the revenues from which are used to pay the debt service on the bonds. Development is, therefore, allowed to proceed, and improvements are built in a timely manner. Only the additional, special tax revenues from the development district are pledged to repayment of the bonds. The County's general tax revenues are not pledged. The construction of improvements funded with development district bonds is required by law to follow the County's usual process for constructing capital improvements, and thus must be included in the Capital Improvements Program.
extent: [[-77.3197151359478,38.9611561825729],[-77.0862326626374,39.1702564946164]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The creation of such a special taxing district allows the County to issue low-interest, tax-exempt bonds that are used to finance the infrastructure improvements needed to allow the development to proceed. Taxes or other assessments are levied on the property within the district, the revenues from which are used to pay the debt service on the bonds. Development is, therefore, allowed to proceed, and improvements are built in a timely manner. Only the additional, special tax revenues from the development district are pledged to repayment of the bonds. The County's general tax revenues are not pledged. The construction of improvements funded with development district bonds is required by law to follow the County's usual process for constructing capital improvements, and thus must be included in the Capital Improvements Program. Credit: Mary E. Casciotti- Senior Management and Budget Specialist Department of Finance Montgomery County, MD 101 Monroe Street, 15th floor Rockville, MD 20850
title: Special Tax Districts
type: Map Service
tags: ["Special Tax District","Montgomery County Planning Department","MNCPPC","Montgomery County","Maryland"]
culture: en-US
name: Special_Tax_Districts
guid: 7F6DB067-5B55-45F3-812D-786844A4330A
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Maryland_FIPS_1900_Feet