Description: Tributary catchment delineations defined by the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection and used to visualize stream health generated from the results of 2016 - 2021 countywide stream biological monitoring. A cooperative biological monitoring program was initiated by Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Montgomery Parks in 1994 to assess countywide stream conditions over time. Results from the 1994 - 2000 were published as part of the Countywide Stream Protection Strategy (CSPS). More recent results (2011 - 2015 and 2016 - 2021) have been shared via an interactive map hosted online by DEP. Montgomery County agencies apply stream health data to focus watershed protection efforts and support regulatory compliance, including evaluations of environmental protection needs and impacts for master plans, development review and regulatory processes, identifying land acquisition and protection priorities, and achieving federal and state water quality standards and permit requirements. Stream health is measured using a Stream Condition Index which represents a conglomerate of data. Specifically, results from two biological community assemblages, the Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity (BIBI) and the Fish Index of Biotic Integrity (FIBI) (when available), are normalized as percentages and averaged to create a Combined Index of Biotic Integrity (CIBI). CIBIs across multiple biological monitoring stations within a given tributary subwatershed in the given time band are then combined to generate a color-coded polygon representing Excellent (89-100%; Blue), Good (64-88%; Green), Fair (42-63%; Yellow), and Poor (0-41%; Red) health. This data layer is for internal use and screening purposes only and represents monitoring subwatersheds established by DEP and their associated stream health from 2016-2021. Contact MCDEP to inquire about data interpretation and request older monitoring results
Service Item Id: 0f158e8828e644e8ab9a3c273999d93f
Copyright Text: Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
Value: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Area streams not sampleable. Label: No Stream Monitoring Data Available for this Area Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Drains to stream outside of County boundary. Label: No Stream Monitoring Data Available for this Area Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Property access denied Label: No Stream Monitoring Data Available for this Area Description: N/A Symbol:
ID: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Area streams not sampleable.
Name: No Stream Monitoring Data Available for this Area
Name: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Area streams not sampleable.
MAXYEAR: null NARRATIVE: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Area streams not sampleable. TRIB_ACRES: null TRIBUTARY: null POPUP: null NO_STATION: null MAXYEAR_BE: null MAXYEAR_FI: null BETHICSCOR: null BENTHIC_NAME: null FISHSCORE_: null FISH_NARRATIVE: null AVERAGE: null
Drawing Tool: esriFeatureEditToolPolygon
ID: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Drains to stream outside of County boundary.
Name: No Stream Monitoring Data Available for this Area
Name: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Drains to stream outside of County boundary.
MAXYEAR: null NARRATIVE: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Drains to stream outside of County boundary. TRIB_ACRES: null TRIBUTARY: null POPUP: null NO_STATION: null MAXYEAR_BE: null MAXYEAR_FI: null BETHICSCOR: null BENTHIC_NAME: null FISHSCORE_: null FISH_NARRATIVE: null AVERAGE: null
Drawing Tool: esriFeatureEditToolPolygon
ID: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Property access denied
Name: No Stream Monitoring Data Available for this Area
Name: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Property access denied
MAXYEAR: null NARRATIVE: No stream monitoring data available for this area. Property access denied TRIB_ACRES: null TRIBUTARY: null POPUP: null NO_STATION: null MAXYEAR_BE: null MAXYEAR_FI: null BETHICSCOR: null BENTHIC_NAME: null FISHSCORE_: null FISH_NARRATIVE: null AVERAGE: null
Description: Within each basin is a group of subbasins that can extend over hundreds of square miles. Maryland contains 13 subbasins, ten of which fall within the Chesapeake Bay basin and correspond to ten tributary basins often referred to as Maryland’s “6-digit” watersheds as defined by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Service Item Id: 0f158e8828e644e8ab9a3c273999d93f
Copyright Text: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, DNR
Description: The shaded polygons in the map above represent Maryland’s 8-digit scale watersheds. The delineation breaks the state up into 138 watersheds whose boundaries generally represent drainage divides between 3rd order rivers or streams. These watersheds are identified via an 8-digit numeric code. The 8-digit scale is the most common management scale for watersheds across the state and therefore is the scale at which most of Maryland’s local TMDLs are developed. Watersheds in this map relate to TMDLs and WLAs in the applicable queries via an 8-digit watershed name identified in the location description.
Please direct any questions or comments concerning this map to Jeff White at or 410-537-3884.
Service Item Id: 0f158e8828e644e8ab9a3c273999d93f
Copyright Text: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, DNR
Color: [255, 255, 255, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Black Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: To show the County's delineated 12 digit watersheds (recognized by the State of MD) and subwatersheds for which stream conditions can be calculated. Shapefile is a union between the 12 digit watershed shapefile and the subwatershed shapefile.
The shaded polygons in the map above represent Maryland’s 12-digit scale watersheds. The delineation breaks the state up into 1,100+ watersheds. Thus, these watersheds are smaller in size than the 8-digit scale watersheds and generally represent drainage divides between 2nd order rivers/streams. These watersheds are identified via a 12-digit numeric code. Watersheds in this polygon file relate to TMDLs and WLAs in the applicable queries via a 12-digit watershed name identified in the location description, if applicable (i.e., if the TMDL/WLA is developed at a 12-digit watershed scale).
Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection delineated 12 digit watersheds (recognized by State of MD) and tributaries.
Please direct any questions or comments concerning this map to Jeff White at or 410-537-3884.
Service Item Id: 0f158e8828e644e8ab9a3c273999d93f
Copyright Text: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, DNR
Color: [255, 255, 255, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Black Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: Watersheds used by the Montgomery County Planning Department to identify the watershed a parcel is located in. Finer grained watershed version of the DEP MS4 watersheds.
Service Item Id: 0f158e8828e644e8ab9a3c273999d93f
Copyright Text: Montgomery County Planning Department, ITI
Description: The MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) Permit Program is a federal Environmental Protection Area (EPA) program that is administered in Md. through the Md. Dept. of the Environment (MDE). This layer helps to identify watershed boundaries for regulatory purposes and environmental analysis.
The Maryland MS4 Program requires each Md. county to implement measures to reduce and eliminate stormwater pollution and meet specific water quality standards. In this County, the Montgomery Co. Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is the lead agency for coordinating and implementing County programs to help meet MS4 Program requirements. To create a framework to identify appropriate measures to implement and monitor the progress of the County’s water quality protection and improvement projects, DEP identified and defined 8 major watersheds in the County. These watersheds are known as the “MS4 Watersheds”.The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection(DEP) has digitized and is maintaining the watershed boundaries.
Service Item Id: 0f158e8828e644e8ab9a3c273999d93f
Copyright Text: Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, DEP
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Black Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: Subwatersheds derived by the State of Maryland (MDE) for their State Water Use Class layer. ITI decided to use this as the official subwatershed layer because it contains a subwatershed named "Bryant's Nursery" that the DEP subwatershed does not contain.For more information, contact: GIS Manager Information Technology & Innovation (ITI) Montgomery County Planning Department, MNCPPC T: 301-650-5620
Service Item Id: 0f158e8828e644e8ab9a3c273999d93f
Copyright Text: State of Maryland Department of Environment (MDE)