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snippet: Landcover (2020) in Montgomery County, MD.
summary: Landcover (2020) in Montgomery County, MD.
extent: [[-77.5292413459477,38.9332695414951],[-76.8872319157525,39.3544476271252]]
accessInformation: Information Technology & Innovation (ITI), Montgomery County Planning Department, MNCPPC USFW CBP Land Use/Land Cover Data Project
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Map Service","Service"]
description: <div style='text-align:Left;font-size:12pt'><p style='margin:0 0 0 0;'><span><span>Land cover layer created by using MNCPPC planimetric data and USFW wetland data. Areas with no data were filled with Chesapeake Land Use Model (2020) data. Layer has three attributes. GROUND = the landcover on the ground; SURFACE = the landcover above the ground (for example Tree Cover); LANDCOVER = Surface category over Ground category if there is overlap (for example "Non-Forest Tree Cover over Grass").</span></span><span /><span><span>Categories: Barren, Grass, Forest/Non-Forest Tree Cover, Impervious Surface, Impervious Structure, Water and Wetland</span></span><span /><span><span>For more information, contact: GIS Manager Information Technology &amp; Innovation (ITI) Montgomery County Planning Department, MNCPPC T: 301-650-5620</span></span><span /></p></div>
licenseInfo: <div style='text-align:Left;font-size:12pt'><p><span>You can copy, modify, distribute, and perform analysis on the data, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission, but please provide attribution to the Montgomery County Planning Department. The Planning Department makes no warranties about the data, and disclaims liability for all uses of the data, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.</span></p></div>
title: Landcover
type: Map Service
tags: ["Environment","Land Cover","Montgomery County Planning Department","Montgomery County","MNCPPC","Maryland"]
culture: en-US
name: Landcover
guid: 55064050-5579-4C30-A48D-087BBA97B9F3
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere